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MPs call for new incentives to revive Green Deal

In a new report published yesterday, the Energy and Climate Change Committee has echoed calls from the industry, for the government to adopt a new energy efficiency strategy, to try and revive the struggling Green Deal scheme.

The report has concluded that the Green Deal failed to drive the scale of energy saving home improvements needed to cut carbon emissions and insulate consumers from high energy bills. Labelling the Green Deal as a ‘disappointing failure’, the MPs said: “The Green Deal has failed to live up to expectations; its planning was flawed, its funding inefficiently delivered and its implementation has been poor.”

In its recommendations for ways to improve the scheme and encourage further uptake, the report stated that incentives such as stamp duty discounts or variable council tax rates should be considered.

The full report can be accessed here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmenergy/348/348.pdf .

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