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Built on the site of previous rental homes that were demolished in 2009, this mixed tenure development provides a much needed boost to the Housing Department’s social rented housing stock and comprises a mix of 1/2 bedroomed flats and 2/3 bedroomed houses.

The properties are all designed to meet Code Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes which seeks to ensure that homes are built to minimise their environmental impact and take into account carbon dioxide emissions, water usage, waste generated and all materials used as part of the build.

From the very early design stages, numerous construction methods were investigated to achieve the required U-value.  Single skin solid blockwork was eventually chosen and after considering sustainability and financial issues 130mm Phenolic insulation was agreed upon as the external insulant.  Expanded Polystyrene was in fact assessed and was quoted at a similar price, but to use this type of insulation would have meant a huge uplift in the volume of material imported to the island.

Wetherby Silicone ‘K’ 1.5mm in brilliant white was used predominantly with pastel coloured feature walls adding a splash of colour to this thoroughly modern new build development.

Finished U-value: 0.14W/m²K

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